Thursday, October 13, 2011

Clomid and Babies

This week I went to the doctors office because I was having some girl issues. Also we have been trying to get pregnant. While I was walking into the doctors office, In the back of my mind I thought I was overreacting or being dramatic. When I went in the staff was so warm and friendly. The office was filled with 3-4 pregnant moms. I was hopeful that the doctor would say your fine come back in a few months if you are not pregnant. 
When I met with the doctor he asked me several questions and decided to run a blood test (5 viles) no wonder I am pale. He told me that my body is not ovulating, which means it is not releasing eggs. Fighting the tears and kicking myself for not having Chris with me at the appointment. I smiled and asked "whats our next step" He said that he was going to test some hormones in my body. If the test comes back normal he is going to put me on a fertility treatment called Clomid. That will make my body ovulate and produce eggs. He said there is a side effect. Twins or Triplets. I just thought to myself....Hey its a double portion!!! He said he has patients who get pregnant with Clomid right away. If my hormone test comes back abnormal then he would send me to a fertility specialist and look at some different fertility options. I left the office excited and at the same time discouraged.
Chris and I want nothing more than to be parents. When I explained the results to Chris he reminded me that this is the desire of our hearts and God called us to be fruitful and multiply. Chris told me that when people have eyesight problems they get glasses....And I am getting a pill called Clomid to help me out.I love him so much. He helped me to remain positive and to remember the promise that had been given to us. Ironically, One of my favorite stories in the bible is the story of Hannah. She cried out to God and God heard her and gave her a child!  We know that our God is bigger than this situation and we know that I will have babies. Its an exciting ride! Buckle Up!!!